Wednesday 1 January 2014

I am an MVP Rookie

   I am so excited so, even if I am really tired after more than 30 hours travel and just 1 hour of sleep, I have to write this small post and share my achievement with everyone. Today Microsoft awarded me my first MVP award in the Client Development category. I am really honored and can only improve in 2014. I would also like to thank all members of the Italian communities that gave me the opportunity to speak at events and included me in this wonderful world. Hope I am not missing anyone and the order is random: Roberto Freato, Lorenzo Barbieri, Matteo Pagani, DotNetLombardia, Alessandro Scardova, Massimo Bonanni,  Daniele Bochicchio, Daniele Pagani for the Nokia events, Marco dal Pino and everyone else I am not remembering (sorry but I am really tired).
   Wish everyone a GREAT 2014 !


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