Wednesday 15 May 2013

Why setting a control Height and Width to 0 is not the brightest idea inside a Windows Phone project

I am doing this small post because I have battled the whole morning with this bug and finally got it and it might save you some time if you read it and have the same problem. 

Scenario: Pivot with two items and at some point the swipe on one of the items doesn't work anymore. Putting a button on the PivotItem that doesn't swipe I can still change the selected item and the second item still swipes correctly.

Cause: I was setting the Height=0 and Width=0 on a control inside the PivotItem (in my project I don't want my control to be collapsed). The problem presents itself if you set any of the controls inside a PivotItem to Height and Width = 0 when the PivotItem is selected. If on the other hand you set the Height and the Width to anything >1 the PivotItem continues to swipe correctly. Even more strange: if the PivotItem is not selected when  you set the Width and Height to 0 and swipe to the control's PivotItem everything will still work correctly. So pay attention better not use set Width and Height =0 on UI controls. 

If you want to test it yourself and maybe tell me what really happens I am attaching a small project created from a Windows Phone Pivot application where I've added a menu that will set the Height and Width of the list inside the first PivotItem to 0. I also set the background of the first PivotItem to green so you will see that it is still expanded. 

How to reproduce the problem: If you execute the menu command with the first PivotItem selected you will see that the pivot doesn't swipe anymore. If you change the values to 1, run the app again and execute the menu with the first PivotItem selected you will see that the pivot still swipes correctly. If, on the other hand, you let the values set to 0 but when executing the menu you have the second PivotItem selected you will see that the first item stil swipes correctly. Bug? Feature? Just pay attention to setting controls to Width and Height 0 because you might have problems with the UI and you won't know what is causing it.



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