Monday 4 February 2013

How to use Team Foundation Service with MonoDevelop

  As you probably know Team Foundation Service team announced a few days ago full support for Git protocol. This was AWESOME news for our small company that needed a FREE source control solution for our MonoTouch and Mono for Android projects. We were already using for our Windows Phone and Windows 8 projects and previously to Git support in TFS we had an in-house svn server but I was not really happy with it. The thing it took me most was to understand what is the Git endpoint address than everything is standard.
  Here is a quick guide on how to create and then use a TFS Git repository with MonoDevelop:
  1. First you need to create a new Team Project with Git support 
     Once the project is created press the "Navigate to projec"t button. 

2. Go to Code explorer and you will be able to see the the Git endpoint address. It might not show the git endpoint the first time but if you navigate away and try again you will see it.

3. Use the Git endpoint address to register a new Repository in MonoDevelop

4. Then just publish your solution using the registered repository. You can see all your files in Code Explorer and also all the commits:

Tip: If you want to use a more simple user name than you full live id you can enable your Alternate Credentials on the User Profile page 

The same Git endpoint can be also used to "Connect to a repository" in Xcode for your Obejctive C projects.

Thank you TFS TEAM for this great feature.



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