Thursday 18 March 2010

WP7 Under the hood - Part 1

As you probably know from my previous post the guys at XDA already made a dump of the emulator binary file. Looking a little in the registry file default.hv (my main reason is to find a way to enable all the hubs as all the files are already in the image file). Some interesting facts from the registry:

1. The new shell program it's called telshell.exe (the old one was shell32.exe). This is how the init sequence looks for the emulator:

2. The second interesting fact is the presence of the program ssupdate.exe which I think it's the UpdateAgent. In fact looking at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows we find DeviceUpdate\Agent and inside Protocol we have:

So it seems like Microsoft will be able to update the devices using Windows Update Service. Of course right now none of the links works.

3. The Silverlight version currently running on the emulator is "Version"="3.0.41020.0"

4. There is explorer.exe inside the image file. It would be enought to change default.hv and inside the Init sequence put explorer.exe to launch. This way we would have access to the file system

Still digging.....


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