Friday 28 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Update Applications

For certain reason, you may want to install third-party apps that you can get through Google Play Store, for instance when you're not satisfied with the stock app and want to install third-party app that has the same function, etc. To allow you accessing Play Store, make sure you have had an active Google account on your phone.

See also: How to Download Free Apps from Google Play Store in the

Thursday 27 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Install Apps from Unknown Sources (.apk File)

Most of Android phone users(including with the Samsung Galaxy SIV users) usually install apps from Google Play Store which is the official market for all Android phones. To be able to access Play Store, you need to have an active Google account. As the official market, Google Play Store provide their users with tons of apps that you can choose which one that suit your need. But, it will be

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Setup And Use Call Reject Messages

Aside from making calls, Samsung Galaxy SIV also allows you to receive calls. This of course will facilitate you to communicate with others. When you have an incoming call, you'll be presented with two on-screen icon that you can use to accept or reject a call.

See also: How to Answer, Reject and End a Call in the Samsung Galaxy S4

In certain situation, instead of accepting a call, you may want

LowestMed app compares prescription drug prices for best deal

The smartphone is about to replace the computer and there seems to be an app for just about everything, including saving money on prescription drug costs.

LowestMed is a discount pharmacy program with a free mobile app for comparing prescription drug prices at grocery and pharmacy chains in a neighborhood near you, which includes Costco, Wal-Mart, Kmart, Walgreens Rite Aid, Kroger and several others. The app is designed to offer free and confidential savings for pharmacy plans, including plans under the Affordable Care Act and those who choose not to buy health insurance. Savings are estimated at 10 to 85 percent off retail prices for prescriptions.

To use the app, customers will simply type in their prescription info into the app for a quick comparison of prices for medications at local pharmacies. A discount card provided by LowestMed can also be used in over 60,000 pharmacies to save money on prescriptions. According to LowestMed, even if you have another insurance card, you may be able to get a better price using LowestMed.

As for privacy concerns, the company says customers do not need to enter any personal information and LowestMed does not track prescriptions..

LowestMed is available for iOS, Android and Windows phone devices. Doctors can apply for a free kit to help educate their patients and save on prescription drug costs.

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Tuesday 25 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Change Bubble and Background Style in Messaging App

Sending a message is one of the most common used method by most of phone's users to communicate with others. That's why, no wonder if Samsung Galaxy SIV has provided the stock Messaging app to facilitate their users when they want sending a message. As other apps, Messaging app also has some settings which will allow you to customize it according to your need. For instance, you can set the

Monday 24 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Reinstall Apps

Google Play Store is the official market for all Android phones, including with the Samsung Galaxy SIV. Here, you can find tons of apps and then download the one that suit your need, either it's free or paid apps. Unfortunately, in some cases, some of apps can cause your phone encountering error. If that happens, uninstalling app is one of the way to fix the problem.

See also: How to Uninstall

Sunday 23 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Move Apps to SD Card or to Device Storage

Google Play Store is the official market for all Android phones, including with the Samsung Galaxy SIV. From here, you can find tons of apps--either a free or paid version--that you can install which one that suit your needs. To do so, first you need to have a Google account to access Google Play Store and other Google services. All apps from Google Play Store will be installed automatically to

Saturday 22 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Set and Clear Default Applications

Though Samsung Galaxy SIV has equipped with some basic apps as the stock apps, you're allowed to install another third-party app per your needs, either from other sources or from the official market of the Android phone: Google Play Store.

See also: How to Install Free Apps from Google Play Store in the Samsung Galaxy S4

In some cases, even there are some users who install an app that has the

How To: Fix Wi-Fi connecting issues on the HTC One running Android 4.4.2

It turned out that HTC One users have lately some problems with connecting their devices to the Wi-Fi routers after the Android 4.4.2 update. Here we present the iconography solution of this problem.

  1. Open Settings panel and click on the "Wi-Fi" tile
  2. Tap on the "3 dots" menu in the upper right corner
  3. From the list select "Wi-Fi Direct"

  4. You will now see that your device is called "Android_ed2c". Tap on the "3 dots" menu in the upper right corner
  5. From the list select "Rename device"
  6. Replace the "Android_ed2c" with  the "HTC One" text and hit "OK" button

  7. Done!
Have any questions or comments? Feel free to share! Also, if you like this article, please use media sharing buttons (Twitter, G+, Facebook) below this post!

Friday 21 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Disable or Enable Apps

One of causes an error occurs in the Samsung Galaxy SIV is an installed third-party app in the phone. No wonder if most of users use this reason to uninstall particular third-party app in their phones to fix the problem. In addition, uninstalling some unused apps also will help you to keep your phone clean and neat as well as to free up some spaces in your phone. One thing that you should

Thursday 20 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Uninstall Apps

Though Samsung Galaxy SIV has provided some basic apps as the stock apps, you're allowed to install third-party apps from other sources or from the official Android market, Google Play Store. This of course will benefit you because you can install another app that you need into your phone.

See also: How to Install Free Apps from Google Play Store in the Samsung Galaxy S4

Aside from the easiness

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: 4 Methods to Send a Message

Given send a message is one of the most common method used by the users to communicate with others, no wonder if Samsung Galaxy SIV has provided the stock Messaging app to facilitate their user when they want to send a message. In this phone, you're also presented with some methods to send a message which you can choose the best one suit your need.

4 Methods to send a message
From what I've

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Block Unwanted or Unknown Text Messages

I believe most of phone's users have been choosing a message as one of their favourite method to communicate with others. That's why no wonder if most of smartphones available today--including with the Samsung Galaxy SIV--have provided the stock Messaging app for their users, so the user will be more easier if they want to send or receive a message in their phone without having to install the app

The HTC M8 to be launched on 25.03.2014

It seems that we finally know the date – 25.03.2014 looks like the day when HTC will launch their new flagship device and the HTC One (M7) successor – HTC One M8 which is rumoured to be called "HTC One+" or "HTC One 2" or just " HTC One (M8)".

About the device itself we know pretty much already. Recently we wrote about the design (The HTC One 2014 (M8) design exposed) and we've seen some popular mock-ups made by hamdir in HTC One 2014 (M8) target renders, a visual compilation of all the leaks. I must say this all looks promising and we still hope to see HTC M8 equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 instead of an already one year old Snapdragon 800 SoC.

Have any questions or comments? Feel free to share! Also, if you like this article, please use media sharing buttons (Twitter, G+, Facebook) below this post!

For latest news / announcements follow Android Revolution HD on popular social platforms:

Monday 17 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Delete Old Messages Automatically

For those of you who often communicate with others using text or multimedia messages surely ever find your inbox is fully loaded and it brings you some difficulties to organize them. This situation often be the reason of the Samsung Galaxy SIV users to delete their old messages to tidy up their inbox as well as to free up some spaces in their phone. In the stock Messaging app, you're allowed to

Sunday 16 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to View, Reply and Forward Text Messages

The stock Messaging app is one of pre-installed app which has provided in the Samsung Galaxy SIV to facilitate their users to communicate with others by using text messages or multimedia messages. Despite of the flaws of this app, I personally prefer to use the stock Messaging app--and the other stock apps--because they usually ads-free and we can directly use them without having to install them

BLE for developers in Windows 8.1 Part I

    For who doesn't know Bluetooth Smart/Low Energy devices are devices optimized for low power consumption. Devices can act as an GATT Server, GATT client or both at the same time. In Server mode the device exposes one or more services. Each service has one or more characteristics with properties attached to it (read, write, notify, broadcast,...). The GATT Client connects to the Server and "consumes" its services.

   Windows 8.1 has added support for communicating with Bluetooth devices from the store applications. This opened the development for a lot of accessories including the Bluetooth Low Energy devices. Windows 8.1 supports only GATT client mode. This is the first iteration of the Bluetooth api and, from some points of view, it is not complete and kinda rushed out to be available. Here are some missing features:

  1. The User eXperience when connecting to an Bluetooth device is bad. The common scenario for this kind of device is that you buy the device you see the application for the Windows Store is available, download it and run the app to play with the device. Here comes the "fun" part: form inside the store application you cannot connect to devices that were not previously paired from PC Settings - Devices - Bluetooth. So, for the first connection, when the user launches the application and you don't find any device to connect to, you will have to find a way to explain and convince the user to open Settings ->Change PC Settings->.... Bluetooth and then come back to your application. Also it is not possible to launch the  Bluetooth screen directly like in Windows Phone case.
  2. For the BLE devices the whole idea of the application is to consume less but have a connection between the device (server) and the application (client). Too bad that is there is no to make teh application run in the background or receive notifications from the devices when the application is suspended. This missing feature "kills" a little bit the BLE principles and without it the protocol from the app side is not better than the classical SPP. The application should be able to connect, receive notifications in the background, be aware when the device disconnects and to be able to reconnect when available again.
  3. Without being able to connect to devices that were not previously paired beacon scenarios are not possible.
  4. Missing api's to discover the services and the characteristics of each service for any BLE device. 
     Beside that let's have a first look at how the new apis work. I have bought several BLE devices: The Texas Instruments CC2541 SensorTAG, Estimote tag,  Kensington Proximo TAG. (I actually bought the devices in inverse order: Kensington, Estimote TI ).
       If you want to start testing/demo the BLE api I think the SensorTAG  is the best choice. The Texas Instruments chipset CC2540/1 is one of the most used chipset in BLE devices and the price of this kit is around 25$. It includes 6 sensors inside: IR temperature Sensor, Humidity Sensor, Pressure Sensor, Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer so you can simulate various scenarios.
     The first step would be to understand if your system supports BLE devices. For this you will have to open Device Manager-> Bluetooth and see if the "Microsoft Bluetooth LE Enumerator" is present. If it is your system can connect to Bluetooth Smart devices. 

  The second step would be to pair with the device (actually you could skip the first step and if you don't see your device in the list see if your system supports BLE). To make the device visible for pairing just push the button on the left side of the device.

    If the device you are looking for is present pair with it (used 0000 as pin). The system configures all the GATT services internally.  Here is how your windows Bluetooth devices look internally before and after the pair:

    You can actually see that we have new GATT services added to our system.

    When using the GATT api you will actually have to know the service you want to connect to and also the characteristics that the service exposes. There are several ways to do that:

  1. The most obvious one you have the documentation of the device and see all the services and their characteristics. Here is the pdf of the TI Development KIT
  2. You can actually get the Service UUID's from the Device Manager:

and then you could hope it is one of the standard BLE profiles so you could have the characteristics for that service. In the picture above the UUID of the GATT service is f000aa40-0451-4000-b000-000000000000 and it doesn't fit any standard profile. The standard profiles fit this pattern: 0000XXXX-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb where XXXX is the id of the profile (for example 0x1800 is the generic access profile). There are some GATT Services that are not showed in the Device List even if present and, as far as I tested,  these are the Generic Access 0x1800 and  Generic Attribute 0x1801 and Device Information 0x180A. You can  always try to add these services to the list of services you want to connect to as it will enable you to have more information on the device you are connecting to.

    So here is the list of the GATT services exposed by the SensorTAG:
Thermometer "f000aa00-0451-4000-b000-000000000000"
Accelerometer "f000aa10-0451-4000-b000-000000000000"
Humidity "f000aa20-0451-4000-b000-000000000000"
Magnetometer "f000aa30-0451-4000-b000-000000000000"
Barometer "f000aa40-0451-4000-b000-000000000000"
Gyroscope "f000aa50-0451-4000-b000-000000000000"
Key Service "0000ffe0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
+ standard and hidden in device manager:
Generic Access: 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
Generic Attribute: 00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
Device Information: 0000180A-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb

     Now that we know what services our device exposes we can start creating the Store Application and add the necessary capabilities which will enable us to connect to the device. Start Visual Studio and create an Windows Store application then edit the Package.appxmanifest file using View Code option. Add the following capabilities:

<Capability Name="internetClient" />
<m2:DeviceCapability Name="bluetooth.genericAttributeProfile">
<m2:Device Id="any">
<m2:Function Type="serviceId:f000aa00-0451-4000-b000-000000000000"/>
<m2:Function Type="serviceId:F000AA10-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"/>
<m2:Function Type="serviceId:F000AA20-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"/>
<m2:Function Type="serviceId:F000AA30-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"/>
<m2:Function Type="serviceId:F000AA40-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"/>
<m2:Function Type="serviceId:F000AA50-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"/>
<m2:Function Type="serviceId:0000ffe0-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"/>
<m2:Function Type="serviceId:00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"/>
<m2:Function Type="serviceId:00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"/>
<m2:Function Type="serviceId:0000180A-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"/>

  When interacting with the device you will have to find the devices that expose the services we want to connect to and then connect to the desired service. For this we will call Enumeration.DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync passing an AQS string to filter the devices. Let's say we want to connect to the devices that expose the Generic Access Service as it is an standard service. We can actually generate the AQS in 3 different ways for this service:

  1. Using the the standard implemented GattServiceUuids GetDeviceSelectorFromUuid(GattServiceUuids.GenericAccess)
  2. Generating an standard UUID from an shortID GetDeviceSelectorFromShortId(0x1800) -what it actually does is to add  "-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" to the id
  3. When the service is not a standard one you will have to use GetDeviceSelectorFromUuid(new Guid(serviceGuid)) and pass the custom service guid in our case serviceGuid="00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
   The code below shows how to read the device name using the Generic Access Service of the Sensor Tag. Here are the standard characteristics of the generic access service link.

       //Find the devices that expose the service  
var devices = await Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(GattDeviceService.GetDeviceSelectorFromUuid(GattServiceUuids.GenericAccess));
if (devices.Count==0)
//Connect to the service
var service = await GattDeviceService.FromIdAsync(devices[0].Id);
if (service == null)
//Obtain the characteristic we want to interact with
var characteristic = service.GetCharacteristics(GattCharacteristic.ConvertShortIdToUuid(0x2A00))[0];
//Read the value
var deviceNameBytes=(await characteristic.ReadValueAsync()).Value.ToArray();
//Convert to string
var deviceName=Encoding.UTF8.GetString(deviceNameBytes,0,deviceNameBytes.Length);

   Now let's see how to interact with an non standard service and a characteristic that notifies when changing. I've chosen the accelerometer service of the SensorTAG:

       //Find the devices that expose the service  
var devices = await Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformation.FindAllAsync(GattDeviceService.GetDeviceSelectorFromUuid(new Guid("F000AA10-0451-4000-B000-000000000000")));
if (devices.Count==0)
//Connect to the service
var accService = await GattDeviceService.FromIdAsync(devices[0].Id);
if (accService == null)
//Get the accelerometer data characteristic
var accData = accService.GetCharacteristics(new Guid("F000AA11-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"))[0];
//Subcribe value changed
accData.ValueChanged += accData_ValueChanged;
//Set configuration to notify
await accData.WriteClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorAsync(GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue.Notify);
//Get the accelerometer configuration characteristic
var accConfig = accService.GetCharacteristics(new Guid("F000AA12-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"))[0];
//Write 1 to start accelerometer sensor
await accConfig.WriteValueAsync((new byte[]{1}).AsBuffer());

In this case we connect to the service, we subscribe to the data characteristic notifications (we also ensure that the characteristic is in notify mode), and then we start the accelerometer sensor. Once the sensor starts it will notify us every 1000 ms. (default value that can be changed).

 async void accData_ValueChanged(GattCharacteristic sender, GattValueChangedEventArgs args)  
var values = (await sender.ReadValueAsync()).Value.ToArray();
var x = values[0];
var y = values[1];
var z = values[2];

We can do the same with all the other services exposed by the device.

Till next post NAMASTE!

How to: Generate a kernel log after random reboot

Once in a while, a software bug in the kernel will cause a random reboot, so in order to help kernel developers to fix and troubleshoot the reboots, a kernel log need to be submitted to the developer for further analysis and hopefully lead to a bug fix.

Most Android kernels have "RAM Consoles" to save the necessary kernel logs immediately after reboot in the RAM.  The users can then retrieve this RAM log on a subsequent reboot to submit to kernel developers. Here is a quick tour on how to do that.

[ Using ADB ]
  1. adb shell
  2. su
  3. cat /proc/last_kmsg > /sdcard/last_kmsg.txt
  4. exit
  5. exit
  6. adb pull /sdcard/last_kmsg.txt
File last_kmsg.txt will be located in the same location as adb.exe executable.

[ Using android terminal app ]
  1. su
  2. cat /proc/last_kmsg > /sdcard/last_kmsg.txt
  3. exit
  4. exit
  5. adb pull /sdcard/last_kmsg.txt
File last_kmsg.txt will be located on your SD-card.

[ Using Root Explorer / ES Explorer with Root ]
  1. go to /proc folder
  2. copy last_kmsg to /sdcard/
  3. rename last_kmsg to last_kmsg.txt
File last_kmsg.txt will be located on your SD-card.

The best method to share the last_kmsg.txt content is to upload it to and send a link to the developer.

Source: faux123 (Google +)

Have any questions or comments? Feel free to share! Also, if you like this article, please use media sharing buttons (Twitter, G+, Facebook) below this post!

The HTC One 2014 (M8) design exposed

One thing for sure, everyone seems to agree that HTC is defined by their design and build quality. The new HTC One is pretty much revealed in terms of design and construction, strikingly it looks similar to my mockups posted few days back.

Latest round of M8 leaks courtesy of @HTCFamily_RU and @NexusLeaks

What's clear from the latest photos is that there is an entirely new more rugged color combination: gun metal grey, as rumored it has a more intense metal texture like darker silver and the antenna strips are black instead of white, this should tolerate a little more abuse than the current silver and black HTC One, not surprisingly it also reminds us of the space grey iPhone 5s.
There also is one recent HTC phone with similar color, the more affordable plastic HTC One HTC Desire 700, I recently had my hands on this device and I have to say it looks fantastic particularly the speaker covers which are the only metal elements in that phone, of course it's also rumored that the M8 will be released with up to four color combinations from the get go.

Gun metal grey with black accents: reminds us of the HTC Desire 700

Other apparent elements in the construction are the four visible antenna strip edges in the front view, a thinner outer frame and the metal back plate extending to the sides, all of which we highlighted in our previous article, unlike the "composite" HTC One pseudo metal unibody with molded plastic sides, the M8 clearly carries a complete metal body fully leveraging HTC's antenna innovations as seen in the current HTC One, which means no ugly plastic patches and the antennas are simply streamlined in minimal injected strips. Like the old HTC Desire HD the entire internal hardware, screen and speaker covers will be housed within this unibody.

The current HTC One is universally praised for it's beauty and high build quality, however it's that very beauty which was often subject to aesthetic damage due to the exposed machined diamond cut edges and the sandwiched plastic frame, a design that suffered a small gap-gate on the first production runs and prompted HTC to do some corrections with the One Mini and Max by adding a protective plastic frame, but with the M8 it looks like HTC is one step closer to their "dream for an all-metal phone".

The HTC One (M7) had a unique composite unibody, previous HTC phones like the gorgeous One S and Desire HD had full metal bodies with big plastic patches for reception

Now let's compare it with our own previous renders and we can see how close it is to the leaked official render, right down to the location of the volume and power buttons, the dual cameras and the exposed antenna strips in the front, but we also notice something new on the top right, is that an exposed notification LED? it brings memories of another HTC metal phone, the One V.

The HTC One V had a unique LED notification light visible from many angles

With rumors of a unique camera, an Ultrapixel sensor for low light and 13 MP sensor for daylight (joining an already strong set of camera innovations like Burst, ZOE and Video Highlights), it's clear that HTC is attempting to refine the HTC One design by addressing most concerns and niggles ranging from the lack of pixel count in the daylight camera, passing by the lack of SD card storage expansion, the neat but hard to spot micro notification light and finally ending the fragile beauty of the HTC One high end construction. The HTC One was their "all-metal phone", their next HTC One seems to be the "full-metal phone".

Finally there is one more matter to point out, the leaked print seems to be for the official screen protector, simply titled "HTC ONE (M8)". Is HTC about to simply use codenames a way to separate between old and new models?

We will leave discussing the rumored hardware specs for another day. Of course this is all following the trail of leakers, which can still be misleading so let us know if you think some big surprises are still in store.

Have any questions or comments? Feel free to share! Also, if you like this article, please use media sharing buttons (Twitter, G+, Facebook) below this post!

Saturday 15 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Send, View and Customize Scheduled Messages

I believe that most of us are agree that sending messages uses the stock Messaging app is the favourite method commonly used by the Samsung Galaxy SIV users to communicate with others because they're able to use it directly without having to install it first. By using this app, you're allowed to send or receive text or multimedia messages.

See also: How to Create and Send SMS or MMS in the

Friday 14 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Delete Messages

Samsung Galaxy SIV has provided some apps as pre-installed apps to meet the basic needs of their user. One of which is the stock Messaging app which you can use to send or receive messages, either text messages or multimedia messages.

See also: How to Create and Send SMS or MMS on Samsung Galaxy S4

While you're using the Messaging app, for any reason you may want to delete messages or threads,

Thursday 13 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Change Message Tone with Three Easy Ways

I believe that send a message has been being one of the most favourite way to communicate with others for most of phone's user, including with the Samsung Galaxy SIV users. That's why, this phone has included the stock Messaging app as one of pre-installed app in order to facilitate their user when they want to send a message. With this app, you're allowed to send text message or multimedia

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Create and Send SMS or MMS

Making a call is the most common method used by the phone's user to communicate with others. That's why, no wonder if most of smartphone including with the Samsung Galaxy SIV has provided Phone app and Contacts app as pre-installed apps to facilitate their users when they want to make a call.

See also: How to Make a Call in Samsung Galaxy S4

Aside from making calls, sending messages is another

HTC One 2014 (M8) target renders, a visual compilation of all the leaks

Ever since it was leaked that the HTC M8 and Sense 6 will carry on-screen buttons along with the appearance of M8 covers being sold on Chinese supply websites, the web has been flooding with alleged M8 Photoshopped pictures. Let's take a closer look at what we already know about the incoming high-end device from HTC.

There is no denying that many of those leaks are credible, particularly the blue unibody shell we saw first, followed by a 3D printed model, the leaked dual camera/flash and finally a full blown frontal leak. All of which are pieces to a single puzzle from which you can draw the entire picture and that's exactly what we did!

Design wise we can draw the following conclusion from the above leaks:
  • The metal unibody is now full, think Desire HD, it extends to the sides getting rid of the previous sandwiched plastic mold
  • The only plastic areas left are the injected antenna strips similar to the current HTC One, they also extend to the sides and appear on the front outer edges
  • Dual camera flash like the iPhone5s with different color tones, they share a single hole with a unique semi curved design
  • The volume rocker is on the right
  • The power button moved to the top right
  • SIM card is on the top left and SD slot on the opposite right above the volume rocker (evident in the under-screen fixture from the blue leak)
  • The  device corners are now more rounded
  • There is no added frame surrounding the screen area, instead the metal speaker covers and screen are inserted within the unibody, resulting in a true full metal phone
  • The speaker grills extended in width and the top sensors are moved next to the front camera
  • The main camera and sub camera have a machined diamond cut edges like the One Mini, the previous white ring on the current HTC One camera is gone
  • It's larger than the current HTC One, similar to the HTC Butterfly in size
Sense 6 Blinkfeed and wallpapers were leaked via @evleaks and of course the UI itself appears in many of the latest photos, which reveal a more transparent UI like stock Kitkat launcher and on-screen menu buttons, some widgets are tipped to have flipped from black to white.

Size and bezel comparison with the HTC One 2013 (M7)

More HTC M8 renders
Sense 6 leak by evleaks

Sense 6 mockups

More info along with full size images and version history of these mock-ups can be found in the original thread at XDA.

Have any questions or comments? Feel free to share! Also, if you like this article, please use media sharing buttons (Twitter, G+, Facebook) below this post!

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Change Ringtone with Two Easy Ways

Samsung Galaxy SIV users usually have lot of contacts in their Contacts app. However, add all contacts to the Contacts app will be able to help you to organize and customizing them per your wish. When you're adding a contact, you're allowed to do some customizations, such as add photo to a contact, assign an individual ringtone and else by utilizing provided options.

See also: How to Add New

Monday 10 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Answer, Reject and End a Call

Given making a call is one of the most frequently done by the users, no wonder if both of the Phone app and Contacts app--which will facilitate the user to make a call--usually become the stock apps in most of smartphone available today, including with the Samsung Galaxy SIV, so the user can use them directly without having to install them first.

See also: How to Make a Call in Samsung Galaxy S4

Sunday 9 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Block Unwanted or Unknown Incoming Calls

Most of smartphone available today has equipped with lot of advanced features which will allow the user to do more activities with their phone. However, basic activities such as making calls remains one of the most frequently done by the users. It's probably the reason why most of them--including with the Samsung Galaxy SIV--provide the stock Phone app and Contacts app inside them. Both of these

Saturday 8 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Make a Call

Make a call is the most common method used by the users to communicate with others. That's why most of smartphone available today--including with the Samsung Galaxy SIV-- provide a Phone app as one of stock app to facilitate the user when they want to make a call. In this phone, you can also make a call with several methods available.

Six methods to make a call
Well, there are 6 methods

Friday 7 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Set Up, Edit and Use Speed Dial Contacts

One of the reason why the Samsung Galaxy SIV users add their contacts to the Contacts app is to facilitate them when they want to use certain contact later, for instance when they want to make a call.

See also: How to Add New Contact in Contacts App in the Samsung Galaxy S4

Well, you may have lot of contacts stored in the Contacts app, but generally you have some favourite contacts or the most

Thursday 6 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Delete Contact in Contacts App

Nowadays, almost every one has their own phones to communicate with others, either by making a call or sending a message. Due to that reason, save all of your contacts are a needed thing that you should do to facilitate you when you want to use them later. Luckily, Samsung Galaxy SIV has provided the stock Contacts app which will allow you to easily add all of your contacts and do some

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Import or Export Contacts in Contacts App

Add all of your contacts in the Contacts app is the best way to facilitate you to organize them and make you more easier when you want to use them later, such as make a call or send a message. No more worries about forgetting phone number of the certain person you wish to call/text with. Moreover, if you add the new contacts to the phone memory, you'll be provided with more options to customize

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Add New Contact in the Contacts App

Contacts app is one of pre-installed apps in the Samsung Galaxy SIV that you can use to organize all your contacts. This app will allow you to add new contact to make you more easier if you want to use them later, such as when you want to make a call or send a message. In addition, the contact's information you have entered will also be used by other applications to facilitate your activities,

Monday 3 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Change Home Screen Mode

Home screen is one of the most customizable part in the Samsung Galaxy SIV. In the first time, there are five Home screens displayed in this phone, but if they're not enough for you, you're allowed to add them up to seven. In another case, you're also allowed to re-arrange the Home screen position as well as deleting unused Home screen if you're tight with the RAM use issue.

See also: How to Add

Blackphone will have privacy, security, encryption as top features

With all the mess about cyber security of late, a smartphone that’s built from the ground up with privacy and security in mind sounds like a good idea.

That’s what Silent Circle, a secure-messaging company based in Washington, D.C., and Geeksphone, an emerging Spanish company, have in mind with the Blackphone.

The Silent Circle team has been working since 2011 to create the world’s first private encrypted communications network. The Geeksphone crew takes an open standards, open source approach with their handsets and have been doing work with a FireFox OS during the heavy lifting.

The Blackphone will be an Android device powered by a security-focused operating system called PrivatOS. It’ll be more than what’s inside your typical Android device, although the features should be the similar.

The firmware in the OS for the Blackphone will encrypt communication services and browse the Web securely through a private VPN service. According to Silent Circle, you’ll be able to send peer-to-peer encrypted texts, phone calls, video calls and file transfers from the Blackphone.

Developers are planning a top-notch processor for the Blackphone and it’ll be unlocked, which means it’ll be compatible with any GSM network, such as AT&T, T-Mobile and a slew of smaller carriers.

We’re not likely to get a peek at a real Blackphone until the Mobile World Congress conference, scheduled for Feb. 24-27 in Barcelona, Spain.

Until then, we can only speculate more Blackphone details and pricing.

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Sunday 2 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Hide or Show Hidden Apps in the Applications Menu

If you didn't add the app icon in the Home screen, you can access the app from the applications menu where all installed apps are displayed. In here, you can do another things aside from accessing the app, such as: create new folder, uninstall apps, access app info, etc.

See also: How to Edit Applications Menu in the Samsung Galaxy S4

In certain case, you may want to not display some apps in

Saturday 1 February 2014

Samsung Galaxy S4: How to Edit Applications Menu

There are three options available in the Samsung Galaxy SIV to change the way the applications menu to display all your installed apps. You can choose the best one that suit your needs to help you to improve your experiences while using this phone.

See also: How to Organize Apps in the Applications Menu in Samsung Galaxy S4

As discussed before, the customizable grid is the default option used